Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Growing National Business Based in Asheville

Harmony Crisis Management Group:
Out of Asheville Comes a New Nationwide Life Coaching & Counseling Agency

Harmony Crisis Management Group is a new, innovated life coaching and counselingagency whose mission is to help individuals, youth and families achieve excellence through life empowerment coaching. Harmony has been developed and grown out of Asheville. Harmony’s unique philosophy of life coaching and counseling empowers and equips each family with the tools needed to choose the best program for their youth and to become successful. With headquarters located around the country, Harmony is reaching people and changing lives on a national scale. Our CEO and President is entrepreneur Larry Spain, and our Executive Director, Angelina Stefanini, is a certified life coach and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC).

In recognition of tough economic times, Harmony’s fees and packages meet the needs of families and individuals of all income levels. Families are able to receive discounts and Harmony employs an income based fee structure. This includes three, six, and 12 month payment options. Harmony specializes in using Life Empowerment Coaching and counseling as an affordable and action-oriented option for families in crisis or for those who need guidance and support. We support family unity and engender hope. Harmony’s team of expert staff are stationed around the country and work in collaboration to create a strong foundation of support for its clients. Staff on board include licensed professional counselors, life coaches, psychologists, educational specialists, wellness experts, financial experts, and many more.

Harmony’s services include innovative feature, including the unique blend of traditional counseling and life coaching. Furthermore, Harmony sponsors a free, bi-weekly life coaching group in Asheville. For more information, contact Angelina Stefanini at or toll-free at 877.240.0999.

Learn more by visiting

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