Monday, February 15, 2010

Local career club information session March 2nd

To get hired these days, you must not only be a qualified candidate but be an exceptional job seeker. A career club provides a supportive environment that helps sharpen skills, maintain positive and hopeful attitudes, and could be that missing piece to finding the right opportunity.

Jane Falter, is the local career club leader with, a recent initiative started by Tory Johnson, ABC's Good Morning America Workplace Contributor. These clubs are working collaboratively to get communities back to work.

Join us for a free information session and presentation on the “Science of Networking and the Art of Connection” given by Peggy Collins. Peggy is a professional speaker, trainer and author of Help Is Not a Four Letter Word. Peggy has been interviewed by many radio and TV shows and her book has appeared in over 18 magazines and publications.

This session will be held on March 2nd from 1pm to 3pm in the Wachovia Room at the Asheville Chamber; a light lunch will be served. Jane Falter had an extensive career in human resources and is currently a life and business coach located in Hendersonville. For more information about the career club and to confirm your attendance, please send an email to

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