Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Asheville Outlets to host events in September

Tools for Schools School Supply Drive
Now Through September 7th
Asheville Outlets is partnering with Ingles and Eblen Charities to collect school supplies for area students through Labor Day Weekend. Shoppers can drop off donations at the Asheville Outlets Food Court or at these participating stores: Go! Games & Toys, Vera Bradley and Zales Outlet.

Drive Electric Event
Sunday, September 13th, 12pm-6pm
Electric vehicle owners and dealers will be at Asheville Outlets to answer questions about electric vehicles, including cost, savings, charging options, tax incentives and more. There will also be free zero emission car rides, demonstrations on how to properly charge a plug-in vehicle, live music and displays from area businesses and non-profits that offer sustainable products and services.

Onsite Job Fair at Asheville Outlets
Wednesday, September 16, 11am-7pm
Participating Asheville Outlets retailers will be hiring for full-time, part-time and seasonal positions. Potential employees will have the opportunity to fill out applications in-person and speak with managers about their relative experiences for the various positions.

Mustang for Hunger Raffle
Eblen Charities and the Blue Ridge Mustang Club of Asheville are hosting the 5th Annual Mustang for Hunger Raffle to benefit area children facing food security issues. Every Saturday between now and October 3rd, representatives from Eblen Charities will be on site at Asheville Outlets from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. selling raffle tickets. Each $100 ticket purchaser has a chance to win either a Mustang Fastback, courtesy of Asheville Ford, or a Mustang Roush RS, courtesy of Tindol Ford of Gastonia, NC.  Drawing will be Saturday, October 10th at Asheville Outlets. Visit the mustangsforhunger.com or eblencharities.org to learn more about the raffle.

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