Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Asheville's Fun Depot to host Civil Servant Appreciation Day - Sept. 5th

In appreciation for their service to the Asheville/Buncombe County community, civil servants (police, fire, rescue, educators, etc.) are invited to be the guest of Asheville's Fun Depot on Saturday, September 5th, from 10:00 am until 8:00 pm. Special discounts and lots of fun are offered to celebrate those who sacrifice their time, their heart, and sometimes their lives for our local community.

Receive a $10 play card just to get started. Door prizes will be given away every hour -- two-night stay at Brookstone Lodge, Pepsi prize pack, Dollywood tickets, certificate for a free birthday party Fun Depot, $50 Chili's coupon and more!

iHeart Radio will be on hand for live radio feed. Firetrucks, ambulance and police cars will be on display.

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