Monday, August 17, 2015

Western Carolina Medical Society offers foreign and sign language interpreters

If you or your business ever needs a foreign language or sign language interpreter, the Western Carolina Medical Society Interpreter Network (WIN) can help.

They provide both face to face and over the phone foreign language and American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters for appointments in Asheville and the surrounding counties.  They also provide translations of written material. Their clients are primarily medical and health care practices, but also include organizations in the hospitality industry, manufacturing and other kinds of services; such as Biltmore Farms, Mill Manufacturing, Ingles, Trader Joe’s and Buncombe County Schools.  Businesses often need interpreters for annual reviews, staff award ceremonies, insurance updates, flu shot clinics, conferences, etc. They currently provide interpretation for 14 different languages, including Spanish, ASL, Russian, Ukrainian and Moldavian.

For more information, please contact Rob Horschman, at (828) 274-0950.

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