The U.S. Small Business Administration and the Veterans Business Outreach Center are presenting a Veterans Small Business Forum. Join small business experts in the western North Carolina area for this special, half-day forum on starting and growing a small business.
This forum is geared toward U.S. military veterans and their spouses, and active duty, guard and reserve members who own or are interested in starting a small business. The forum will feature several panel discussions on topics of inter-est to the existing or prospective small business owner.
Date: Tuesday, August 16, 2011.
Time: From 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
Location: - The Grove Arcade Conference Room at the Grove Arcade, One Page
Ave., downtown Asheville.
- Directions here: http://www.grovearcade.com/map-directions/
- Enter only through the Page Avenue entrance that morning and take the
freight elevator to the lower level of the Grove Arcade.
Cost: Free of charge.
Registration: Due to limited seating, advance registration is required; contact Lisa
Belcher at lbelche1@uncfsu.edu or (910) 672-2683 on or before Tues-
day, August 9.
Parking: Parking is available at the Wall Street Parking Garage directly across the
street from the Arcade. Metered parking is also available.

8:00 a.m. Sign-in and continental breakfast
8:30 Welcome and opening remarks
8:45 Panel: Kick-starting Your Business (how to start a small business)
9:45 Break
10:00 Panel: All About the Money (financing a small business, plus tax issues)
11:00 Panel: Strategies for Growing Your Business (marketing, social networking and
other tips to expand your small business)
12:00 Closing remarks and adjournment