It’s like Karaoke with a twist – you bid $5 & dare someone to sing a particular song. If they don’t want to sing it, they have to double the money to get out of it and they pass the “dare” on to someone else. And so on…DAREOKE!

The Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce was proud to host over 130 guests at the 2009 Legislative Luncheon presented by Capital Bank. The event took place Friday, February 20 at the Crest Center and Pavilion from noon until 1:30 p.m. and offered the guests an opportunity to interact with the local delegation. Senator Martin Nesbitt and Representatives Susan Fisher, Bruce Goforth, Jane Whilden and Ray Rapp all attended the event.
The Legislative Luncheon was a huge success as it allowed members of the Asheville City Council, Buncombe County Board of Commissioners and local business leaders to hear the Chamber's top legislative priorities and the delegation's goals for the upcoming session.
Legislative Representatives warned of a tough economic year for the state and possible significant budget cuts. Many officials praised the funding that North Carolina will receive from the newly passed federal stimulus package. When the leaders were pressed for details on the timing of the funding they said that it was too soon to know.
Our thanks goes out to the staff at M7 and everyone that helped to make this event so successful.