Read the Citizen-Times story on Divvy here.
TEACHING YOUR KIDS BASIC BUDGET HABITS: New Product Empowers Children with Financial Knowledge
Three concerned parents from the Asheville area have created a simple but effective interactive product dedicated to helping other parents teach their children how to save, spend, invest, and donate money, more relevant than ever in today’s lagging economy.
Divvy for Life, its name based on “divvying up your money,” is a tool for parents and a game for children ages four and older. Inventor Jon Corbin of Weaverville recently developed the concept for his own youngsters, Walker, age 6, and Lauren, age 3, so they would have a solid understanding of how to manage budgets at an early age. Walker is now proud to say, “I know as much about money as my Dad.”
The Divvy program has been endorsed by the CPA Association of North Carolina and is featured on their website – www.ncacpa.org. This comprehensive effort to promote financial literacy with children is also supported by State Senator Josh Stein of Wake, NC.
“My wish,” said Corbin, “is simply that my children become well balanced and understand money enough that they might avoid all the stress that is caused by making poor financial choices.”
Maureen Scullin, Managing Partner of Asheville’s MarketImpact Marketing & Promotion, enthusiastically endorsed the concept on behalf of her own twin daughters, Maddie and Brooke, age 9, and became a partner in Divvy for Life in 2007. Scullin is one of the marketing innovators for Mission Hospitals’ award-winning Lighten-Up 4 Life program.
“Divvy will help all our children make good financial decisions throughout their lives,” said Scullin, “and insure a happier, healthier financial future.”
Tony Delia, president and creative director of The Delia Design Co., is the third Divvy partner. In partnering with Corbin and Scullin, Delia was equally concerned about his six-year-old daughter’s financial literacy and says that now Sydney has learned the basics of how to intelligently divide up her funds, she’s on her way to solid lifelong money habits.
Delia created the colorful Divvy box design, contents and all graphic materials for promotion, which will be launched in July.
Details are available on the website at http://www.divvyforlife.com/. The suggested retail price is $25 for the entire boxed kit, plus shipping. For ordering information, call 828.768.3025.
Ultimately, the partners plan to seek financial support from corporate sponsors to launch a nation-wide program that will deliver this important message to youngsters, their parents, schools, websites, organizations, and financial institutions throughout the country.
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