Tuesday, April 25, 2017

OneWhoServes celebrates 17 years

On April 1, OneWhoServes, Inc. celebrated its 17th anniversary.  From the beginning, OWS has built its reputation on exceptional service to clients.  While the IT industry is trending toward remote support with flat-rate billing, they continue to believe in plain old-fashioned service, paying only for what you get, and plenty of on-site time to support users as well as technology.  Each business client has one lead Systems Engineer that gets to know their technology, business, staff, and preferences, and who can communicate clearly in the language of  your business.

Since its beginning, Gordon Walton, President and founder has maintained a strong focus on customer service.  OneWhoServes has successfully adapted to an industry in continual transformation and has gone to great lengths to stay current and relevant.  It has achieved this by investing in highly experienced Systems Engineers to provide IT support and management with a personal touch.

When asked about the success of OneWhoServes, Inc., Walton keeps it simple.
“The key to success has been hiring the best people in the industry, creating a team environment where everyone works together for the best interest of our clients, and where every team member has the authority to make decisions to assure client satisfaction.  If you take great care of your clients, everything else takes care of itself.”

OneWhoServes provides complete outsourced IT services to hundreds of commercial, industrial, medical, financial, legal, and non-profit organizations ranging in size from small ventures to large multi-location facilities.  They also provide backup services to in-house IT departments for big projects and hard problems.

For more information, visit the company’s website at www.onewhoserves.com, or call the office at 251-1111.

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